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How to Use Peppermint Oil: 8 Science-Backed Peppermint Oil Benefits: Prevention Magazine Interview

There is an increased interest in Complementary and Alternative Medicine also known as Integrative and Functional Medicine. Is there a place in society for both conventional and non-tradtional or alternative practices? At 360Girls&Women® we embrace evidence-based holistic pratices to help girls and women journey to complete health through the complete lifecycle, using a integrative and functional lens. Essential oils such as peppermint oil provides a tremendous and wide range of beauty and health benefits according to research. There are also side effects to be aware of. Read my full interview with Madeline from Prevention Magazine by clicking on the article below.

Visit our Essential Oil page and learn why we use 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils as one of our alternative methods for healing, recovery and achieving optimal health at 360Girls&Women®

Sue-Ellen Anderson Haynes, MS, RDN, CDCES, LDN, CPT

Nationally recognized nutrition and food expert and leading global expert in Gestational Diabetes.

"What makes us different?" 360 represents completion. At 360 G+W we provide personalized insights to help girls and women dramatically improve their wellbeing.​ Our mission is to provide evidence-based information and services to help maximize a woman's complete health through the complete life-cycle - preventing, managing, and reversing certain reproductive and chronic illnesses- using nutrition as the foundation along with other innovative holistic practices. Read more.


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