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Let's Journey together. I'll help you! 



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 I use essential
oils daily in my personal life and in my wellness practice. It supports physical, mental, and spiritual health. Its benefits have transformed my life and the lives
of my clients.


My daughters were coughing restlessly for a couple of weeks, mostly at night. After attending the presentation. I started using the Thieves® and the Lemon Essential oils with them and noted a significant improvement. I rubbed the Thieves® on their chests and backs every night and rubbed the lemon oil under their feet in the mornings and at nights. The coughing stopped immediately and they managed to stay healthy even though most of the children in their classes were sick. These oils have helped them strengthened their immune system during this cold winter.


Edwine, CPA.

Boston, MA

I have been blessed by Sue-Ellen's ministry and the education that I received. One of the benefits lies in simply thinking about my daily eating routine. I am now more conscientious about the foods I eat, how much exercise and sleep I get. In addition to that, I have started looking at how to use essential oils on this new journey. I now use cumin to help with bloating, grapefruit to better manage appetite and I diffuse lavender after my husband and I have had a disagreement for a calming atmosphere in the home. It's been an awesome experience. My husband has also gotten into the oils and is using Thieves® quite often for immunity and also uses grapefruit to better manage appetite.


I learned so much about essential oils from 360Girls&Women® and her team, constant education is what I really enjoy.  I especially like using DiGize™ Vitalilty™ for bloating. My sister has used Panaway® on her knee and felt improvement in minutes after application.

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Tonya, APRN.

Tampa, FL.

Antoinette, Admin.

Boston, MA



“They are the most potent part of the plant. They are distilled from shrubs, leaves, flowers, trees, resins, rinds, and herbs. They provide support for every system in the body – skeletal system, nervous system, immune system, circulatory system, respiratory system, endocrine system – your hormones...”  
lavendar 2. young living essential oil .

Intro to Essential Oils Audio




Apply to bottoms of the feet, inner part of wrist, or behind the ears. Can be used with a carrier oil as chest rub. 


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Diffuse in your home or car, hand-cup, or smell straight from the bottle.

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Our Dietary Essential Oils or GRAS certified Vitality ™ line can be added to your water, vegetable capsule, or meals when cooking.

To learn how to use 

essential oils safely 


Get 50% off with the premium starter kit!  
Use referral number 16670036 at checkout.
At no cost you as a "Young Living Member I earn from purchases.
youngliving image. premium starter

Your premium starter kit is exceptional for everyday uses. Support your body system, explore inexpensive beauty hacks, as well as DIY home cleaning. Your kit includes 12 oils and a FREE diffuser, plus extra bonus goodies. These oils are good to start with. It is a must have for everyone's home


•Lavender, •Frankincense, •Peace and Calming® •Valor®  •Stress Away™ •PanAway®  •Raven™  •DiGize ™ Vitality ™ •Lemon Vitality™  •Citrus Fresh Vitality ™ •Lemon Vitality™  •Peppermint Vitality™ •Thieves®Spray

•Thieves® Waterless Hand Purifier Sachets •2 AromaGlide™ Roller Fitments• 2 NingXia Red® samples •Desert Mist™ Diffuser•Essential Oils Magazine •Essential Edge Newsletter •Product Guide and Product Price List


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At no cost you as a "Young Living Member I earn from purchases.
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CBD offers you support for many functions of the body without THC. Available in two strength so you can pick the potency that meets your needs.

 Each kit contains a selection of Nature’s Ultra favorites—the only CBD products on earth to contain Young Living essential oils and be backed by a Seed to Seal® quality commitment. Combines pure essential oils with 0.0% THC CBD.

Your CBD Premium Starter Kit includes:

•300 mg Calm CBD Roll-On             

•500 mg Citrus CBD Oil

•300 mg CBD Muscle Rub

•Getting Started with CBD brochure

Extra Strength CBD Premium Starter Kit includes:

•600 mg Calm CBD Roll-On             

•1,000 mg Citrus CBD Oil

• 600 mg CBD Muscle Rub

•Getting Started with CBD brochure

Thieves® Premium Starter Kit
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Looking to ditch the toxins in your household products? The Thieves Premium Starter Kit will help. This cleaner is ultraconcentrated, powerful, and nontoxic. Made with plant-based ingredients and infused with the pleasant, spicy aroma of Young Livings proprietary Thieves® essential oil blend.

•This Thieves Premium Starter Kit is ideal for those wishing to replace harmful chemicals that interfere with the wellbeing of your children, family, and pets.

•Suited for virtually every surface in your home, including carpets, floors, counters, glass, walls, and more. (Safe for septic system)

•Effective, deep clean without the harsh or dangerous chemicals found in many traditional cleaning products.

Ningxia Red® Premium Kit
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At no cost you as a "Young Living Member I earn from purchases.

Pureed Wolf berry -powerful antioxidant. It provides macronutrients and micronutrients such as vitamins A, B, & C, calcium, etc. Benefits of NingXia Red®: maintains healthy blood sugar levels, supports the female body - hormones & reproductive function, supports energy levels, normal cellular function, and normal eye health.

•750 ml bottles of NingXia Red® are halal and kosher certified.

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KidScents® Premium kit
Use referral number 16670036 at checkout. 
At no cost you as a "Young Living Member I earn from purchases.
kidscents. little oilers starter kit. YL

Surround your little ones with the rejuvenating, yet comforting aromas of pure essential oils with our cutest diffuser set, Feather the Owl. Kids of any age can inhale the appealing aromas of KidScents® oils directly from the bottle or snap on a roller fitment for a quick, mess-free application.

Items included:

•Feather the Owl Diffuser

•Kidscents® Geneyus™ 5 ml

•Kidscents® Owie™ 5 ml

•Kidscents® TummyGize™ 5 ml

•Kidscents® SniffleEase™ 5 ml

•Kidscents® SleeyIze™ 5 ml

•Two AromaGlide™ Roller Fitments

Our Oily Story



My first encounter as a mom with essential oils was a scary one because the occasion was not pleasant. My son was having abdominal pain. In addition, to fluids and other natural remedies I reached for my essential oil kit and used Digize by rubbing it on his stomach with a carrier oil. Within a few minutes he stopped crying. However, after a few hours he started becoming achy and having the same discomfort. So I rubbed the essential oil on his belly again. This time, I decided to go to the walk in clinic to do testing to rule out other issues. Thankfully, it was nothing serious but I was relieved when I told the pediatrician that I was using essential oils that had ginger, fennel, tarragon leaf oil, etc and she told me to continue it - if it was offering him relief.

At this point I really became even MORE of a believer of essential oils to support

the body!


Using 100% pure therapeutic grade essenital oils is the best decision I’ve ever made for the wellness of my family! 



Let’s chat.

I’m here for you.

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